Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Into the world Free Essays

An Individual’s own personal choice may hold them back as they try to overcome challenges and move Into the world. This Is shown by a personal battle with their inner self, personal choice leading to a change in their emotions, different people having different ways of adapting to new challenges, individuals trying to shut off the rest of the world and the help of others an individual’s attitude will change as they enter the world. This is shown the the novel The story of Tom Brenna by J. We will write a custom essay sample on Into the world or any similar topic only for you Order Now C Burke and In the movie Sheer by (director) An Individual’s personal battle with their Inner self may hold them back as they try to overcome challenges and enter into the world. The author uses flashbacks throughout the novel from Tom’s perspective. These are of the night of the accident and show the reader that Tom is affected by the actions of his brother on that night. It also shows that Tom is held back and has a hard time overcoming the challenges that he faces due to these memories. The use of dialogue between Tom and Christy Is used when Tom opens up about why he doesn’t Like to visit Fin. This conversation shows the reader that he is finally opening up about his old life that has help him jack for so long. By Tom talking about this with Christy he has changed his personal choice and decided he doesn’t want to be held back by his old life anymore. Once a person gets control of their inner self then they overcome challenges that they face in their new life as they move into the world. An individual may try to shut off the rest of the world to avoid facing challenges in their life. This is evident by using a panning camera angle when Sheer makes donkey sleep outside because he doesn’t like having people in his house. This shows the ewer that Sheer tries to shut off the rest of the world and this results in him living in a swamp far away from everyone. The use of lighting when all the magical creatures are made to stay at Shrieks swamp Is very dark and the only source of light Is a fire. This makes the scene very dark and the audience gets the Idea that Sheer isn’t happy about having all these people in his swamp. Sheer tries to kick them all out which again shows that he tries to shut himself off from the rest of the world and that he doesn’t want to move into the world. An individual personal choice may revert them from entering into the world as they are held back by their attitude Personal choices can lead to a change in an individual’s emotions and a sense of goriness may be felt for the mistakes they have made. The use of repetition ‘Im sorry’ said by Daniel when he is apologizing to Tom for what he has done. This shows the reader that Daniel is sorry for the night of the accident and this shows a change in his attitude has happened as he realizes. That he made a big mistake. The reader gets a sense that this Is a big step forward for Daniel has he tries to enter Into Daniel to Tom when talking about Tom’s new footy team shows the reader that Daniel is back to his old self and has taken a backwards step in his Journey to overcome his challenges. Whilst Tom’s attitude has changed Daniel still believes winning is everything and this shows the reader that Daniel is still living in his old life. An individual can control whether or not they overcome the challenges that they face and enter into the world. With the help of others an individual attitude will change as they finally enter the world. The use of dialogue ‘maybe you can come visit me at my swamp,’ said Sheer to Finn. This shows the audience that Sheer attitude about having people at his swamp has finally changed, and that he has entered into the world with the help of his friend donkey. A high camera shot is used when Sheer and Finn are getting married in Shriek’s swamp. By using this camera angle the audience can see all the magical creatures attending the wedding. This shows again that Shriek’s attitude has changed because earlier in the movie he wanted them all to leave so he can have his swamp to himself. This change in attitude tells the audience that Sheer has moved into the roll and over come the challenges that Sheer had faced. With this change in attitude the viewer knows that Sheer has entered into the world and that he has overcome the challenges that came with it from the help of his friend donkey. People have different ways of adapting to the new challenges in their life. By using a descriptive sentence ‘It was all to hard, surrendered, and headed back under the covers,’ is used to show the reader the mind set of Tees at this stage of the novel and how she deals with her challenges in her life. It shows that she thinks the challenges re too hard to overcome and this shows the reader the way that she tries to adapt to the changes. The use of dialogue ‘Im sorry Tommy, I really am. I promise ill get better,’ said by Tees to Tom shows that she finally realizes that she needs to change and be the mum that the family needs. This quote shows that she is finally trying to overcome the challenges that she faces and enter into the new life that she must live now and doesn’t wont to be held back by events in the past anymore. People’s way of adapting to changes may actually prevent them from overcoming the challenges that hey face in their life. An individual’s own personal choice may hold them back as they try to overcome challenges and move into the world. This is shown throughout the novel The Story Of Tom Brenna by J. C Burke and the movie Sheer directed by Vicky Jensen. These 2 texts look at personal battle with their inner self, personal choice leading to a change in their emotions, different people having different ways of adapting to new challenges, individuals trying to shut off the rest of the world and the help of others an individual’s attitude will change as they enter the world. How to cite Into the world, Papers

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