Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Contemporary Business Organizations various-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Contemporary Business Organizations Various? Answer: Introducation The contemporary business organizations have to maintain various aspects of business at one time to meet the diversified challenges being faced by them in the present business scenario (Grant et al., 2014). Leadership plays a key role in driving the organizational success by overcoming various organizational challenges. According to Marc Lavine, leaderships have to play diversified and complex roles in meeting all the aspects of the contemporary business organizations (Kinicki Kreitner, 2012). Competing value framework is being used to identify the various challenges being faced by the contemporary leaders. According to this theory, leaderships mainly have to maintain four major aspects in the modern business organizations (Wiewiora et al., 2013). It includes maintaining the human resources, effective internal communication, proper allocation of resources and achieving the organizational goals and objectives. In a few cases, it poses as a challenge for the leaders due to the reason that they face paradox in maintaining all the above said aspects at a single time (Van Wart, 2013). The decision cause contradiction among the stakeholders associated with the organizations. For instance, giving more effort on achieving the organizational objectives may have adverse effect on the human resource management in the organization. Employees may get de-motivated and lower morale due to having high stress and pressure in the organizations (Van Wart, 2013). Moreover, leaders also have the responsibility of implementing effective communication process in the internal organization in order to enhance the communication process between the upper management and the employees. The modern day leaders also have to face rapid change in the technologies and taste and preference of the marketing due to the era of globalization. Thus, they have to change their style of leadership and organizing the business operat ions more rapidly than ever. This is causing stress in effective management of the contemporary business organizations. According to Marc Lavine, it is the responsibility of the leadership roles to maintain the optimal equilibrium between the older and new theory and activities in the organizations. The optimal equilibrium between these two will help to gain organizational success (Grant et al., 2014). According to him, complexity and paradox will be inevitable of the contemporary leaders and thus they have to positively react to these complexities to drive the change in the organizations. They should be more flexible in accepting the diversified issues related with the present business scenario. Thus, from this literature, it is evident that the modern business organizations have to face complex situations as well as their leaders (Wiewiora et al., 2013). They have to maintain all the four aspects being stated in the competing value framework. Thus, it is one of the prime issues being identified from this literature that managing all these diversified complexities is deterring the contemporary leader s in giving effective effort in a particular aspect. In the present business scenario, the more flexible will be the leaders regarding the business complexities, the more will be their effectiveness in driving the organizational success. References Grant, R., Butler, B., Orr, S., Murray, P. A. (2014).Contemporary strategic management: An Australasian perspective. John Wiley Sons Australia, Ltd.. Kinicki, A., Kreitner, R. (2012).Organizational behavior: Key concepts, skills best practices. McGraw-Hill Irwin. Van Wart, M. (2013). Lessons from leadership theory and the contemporary challenges of leaders.Public Administration Review,73(4), 553-565. Wiewiora, A., Trigunarsyah, B., Murphy, G., Coffey, V. (2013). Organizational culture and willingness to share knowledge: A competing values perspective in Australian context.International Journal of Project Management,31(8), 1163-1174.

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