Thursday, October 31, 2019

Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Change Management - Essay Example The changing socio-economic environment made it necessary that more consideration be paid to socio-cultural and political environment so that the requirements of the people became the focal point in the development of strategy. McGregor has been emphatic that proactive participation of the workforce in the decision making is imperative for sustainable growth of any organization. He said, ‘The effectiveness of organizations could be at least doubled if managers could discover how to tap into the unrealized potential present in their workforces’ (McGregor, 1960). Thus shared learning needs to become intrinsic part of HR Strategy that involves the employees in decision making processes and promotes collective goals. The advancing technology and the advent of computers have greatly influenced the changing paradigms of the business strategies. Knowledge management has become crucial part of managerial leadership (Garvin, 2003). While the technology has considerably improved the overall performance of the organization, the managers have also realized the vast potential of the emerging new technologies in opening a huge vista of business opportunities that are global in nature but made easily accessible through the new technology like internet and tech gizmos. ‘The Internet with its low-cost entry and ease of use quickly changed how information was exchanged and removed the distance barriers for business partners’ (Gottardi et al. 2004). The globalization has ushered in an era of pluralistic society that comprises people from different culture, race, color and nationality, giving a new perspective to the business compulsions. Levitt, an eminent social scientist, in an article says that ‘A powerful force drives the world toward a converging commonality, and that force is technology’ (Levitt, 1983). Managing diversity has therefore, become a crucial

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