Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Interview with an entrepreneur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Interview with an entrepreneur - Essay Example Confidence is always thought to be exuded by an entrepreneur in the face of high risks, uncertainty, and opportunities as well (Palich & Bagby, 1995, pp.425-438). Entrepreneur ends up assuming certain risks associated with failure or loss and creates a new business venture while at the same time insures other ventures by guaranteeing them specific returns (Sternberg & Wennekers, 2005, pp.193-203). Intrinsic personality traits have formed what might be commonly referred to as the big five personality dimensions of an entrepreneur. The five factor model of personality related to an entrepreneur takes a very descriptive view of these five dimensions considered being major dispositional factors relating to the personality of an entrepreneur factors (Burns, 2008, pp.34-43). These big five dimensions that characterize an entrepreneur are the need for achievement where the person has a huge ambition of meeting certain goals in life; need for independence or autonomy and by these the person creates a future for him or her; locus of control, which is normally internal in nature; risk taking where the entrepreneur is able to weigh risk magnitude against the potential returns based on opportunity and takes the latter; and self-efficacy in which he or she holds a high personal opinion and is not discouraged by rejection (Palich & Bagby, 1995, pp.425-438). Indeed, a set of personal attributes, principles, and beliefs influence the behaviour portrayed by the person and in turn lead him or her into creating and managing personal businesses (Sternberg & Wennekers, 2005, pp.193-203). These issues act as motivators for taking such a venture in their lives. The societal factors have also been viewed as having some influence on the choices made by an entrepreneur. The availability of opportunity in a certain setting could still be an important trigger for starting up a business venture (Shane, et al., 2003, pp.257–279). However, the entrepreneur is thought to have certain u nique opportunity identification and analytical skills that not all people have them. Thus, they are able to see opportunities in places where others consider as ‘deserts’. Trigger factors for entrepreneurial ventures have been pointed out by GEM as being opportunity and necessity (Ardichvili, et al., 2003, pp.105-123). Other scholars have had to use different approaches in describing what pushes one to become an entrepreneur. The rationale for having this interview with an entrepreneur, Mr Fahad Al-Hanaki the owner of Leham Company, is to establish the dimensions that result into creation and management of a business venture. This will be done by asking questions which are pertinent and related to how he feels about the business, the challenges experienced, and how he has managed to overcome them, and what he thinks is the future of his business. The extent of success the company owned by this interviewee is also another factor that influenced choosing him for this stu dy. 2.0 Evaluation of your entrepreneur Fahad was asked what the company is and the business it does. He outlined that Leham Company is for trading industry and also takes part in contracting. It is based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It deals in many things

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Developing a Teaching Capacity Enhancement Plan Essay

Developing a Teaching Capacity Enhancement Plan - Essay Example They will also be based on my choice of my aspired career as a long distance teacher. The choice of goal selection as an adult is further reinforced by the fact that Malcolm Knowles has identified that adults are goal oriented (Knowles, 1970) and therefore I will prefer to have clear goals for myself and then construct a clear set of goals for my adult students so that surety of transference and development of cognitive interest is assured. Goals For the teaching capacity enhancement plan, I have selected four basic goals which I plan to achieve in the next 12 months. The first and the foremost goal is to develop a capacity for learner centered teaching. This will be achieved by developing not only empathy but also detailed study and application of the theory of cognitivism. This theory will give me precise knowledge of the thought process behind behaviors and what goes on in the learners mind. (Schuman, 1996) Thus ultimately this goal will enhance my capabilities as a cognitive thin ker and teacher. The second is to enhance my capacities as a distance learning teacher and to develop ideas and processes around it. This goal also includes development of a plan and program which will ensure captivation of the students thus learners interest even when they are learning online and not directly. The third goal is also centered on the second goal and includes actions for modification and development of online degrees to provide life-long grounding for individuals who pursue them. Last but not the least, my final goal is to imbibe flexibility in myself as a long distance teacher and create a program which is flexible to ensure optimum learning for all those who value learning but cannot achieve it due to their commitments. This last goal will include both a personal development and grooming as an individual and will also include designing and implementation of a negotiated learning contract and program of study. Justification of selection and significance of goals (T-D EPLOY) Theory Multiple theories support my selection of goals and they are extremely significant for all educators, particularly those who wish to enter the adult education and distant learning dimension. Learner centered teaching is has been defined as the form of teaching which removes emphasis from the teacher and directs it towards the learner and the process of learning. As for developing my capabilities as a long distance teacher many theorists have encouraged the fact that lifelong learning opportunities must be encouraged and supported and Reushle in his doctoral thesis has been particularly vocal about the importance of both learning and its easy availability throughout life. (Reushle, 2005). He also believed that a transformative approach should be available for all online educators and my goal is to get that transformative approach to transform the lives of individuals I teach. The topic of distance-learning has been frequently debated by theorists and researchers. Marsha ll McLuhan (McLuhan, 1964) has described media as the carrier of the message from the transmitting source to the receiver. Thus media is often regarded as the extension of humans that allow for convenient affecting of people in the absence of a face to face contact. Therefore internet and video learning is a very strong medium to teach